Jumaat, 31 Disember 2010

cinta new year

kami somi istri kembali bercinta d ari jumaat terakhir 2010.. ahaks.. lomentik!! lomentik!! ahaks.. fabulous end of year celebration @ alamanda.. sponsored by me :p.. acara makan dan makan dan terpengaruh ngan awek jual perfume adidas.. ciskek btol.. haha

muka tensen, lapar dan belagak.. ahha

@ 3pm went to nandos and we had 1/4 chicken wip 2sidelines each :p
met wip dr. faizul jalal n his tunang dr. emm tak ingat name, ex-classroom mate @ jasin there..

becinta ngan shuweettt..

after that went to al-ikhsan to carik jersi harimau malaya gile lmbat,dierang da menang bru nak beli jersi LOL was sold out as expected.. :p

then on the way to either 'secret recipe 3-6pm free coffee for every slice of cake' or 'baskin robin 31% discount every 31st' haven't decide yet at the moment we were caught by adidas perfume booth.. 1stly becadang to buy a perfume for encik somi, but the awek ckp offer if we buy 2 (1men 1women) we got PURPLE (bare in mind i lurve purple!) adidas sling bag.. WOW! mata bling2 tros pilih bau yg wangi.. la la la.. encik somi hadiahkan i new year adidas perfume and i hadiahkan him new year adidas perfume, shower gel, body spray + hand caff ciss!! his hadiah is moreeee expensive! but mine got free lipgloss WOW!

for her
for him

@5:30pm i'd decided to take away cheese cake instead of ice cream.. please note the term TAKE AWAY.. tapi bile smp kedai kek tu, my encik somi spot free coffee/tea wip a purchase of a slice of cake for dine in tros die chose to dine in.. hurm we have just had our lunch at 3 ok.. then i ordered 2 cakes LOL.. gelakkan guling2 pompuan yg nak kuros nih la la la.. free 2 coffee yay!

sorang istri yg tembam pas mkn mnyk menda ngan somi nyeh.. ahaks

i would like to wish u all a very best year ahead.. improve in all aspect of life
and please pray for our happiness dan dikurniakan cahaya mata yg cumill for the year 2011.. aminn

azam for 2010 yg tak tercapai
nak ade rumah yg siap (rumah da siap tapi tak amek kunci lagik.. pinjam 3k boleh? ngee)
nak dpt anak :p

azam 2011
1. nak dpt anak.. still..tambah sket yg cumil
2. nak pindah umah baru la la la
3. nak further studygenesios..insyaAllah

TBL3.. final weighing n i didnt get any marker..

edit: update: da tau da knape tak pat marker.. lupa sms alamat, name ngan apetah lagik 1.. hahah bodow!

huhu.. sedih.. tak pat sms dr penaja pon pasal penanda saye.. nak nanges rase.. blom2 da d disingkirkan dr pertandingan.. walopon saye tau for real saya tak mungkin menang pon.. tapi atleast bg a jugak saye hantar berat saye.. hurm takpe la.. mungkin tertinggal name saye kot.. tapi saye mmg kecewa aa.. hurm..

niway, tahniah pemenang..
tahniah owang2 yg dpt adiah..
tahniah kepada penganjur..
tahniah kepada sume peserta walopon turun 1kg jek itu dah menunjukkan kita ada usaha kekehidupan yg lebih sehat dan lebih sempurna.. cayok2 tok kekalkan semangat tuh!!

tapi sy tetap kecewa.. :|

Khamis, 30 Disember 2010

new year new salary

yeah.. today is the final day of working in 2010.. stakat ni, arini adalah ari yg ceria...

next year next month gaji akan begerak seperti biasa kerana dianugerahkan telah bekerja ngan cemerlang bagi tahon 2010.. wowoo tayah bg surat tu pon i da tau ape isik kandungan nyeh.. hurm hurm.. setiap tahun same aje.. SYUKUR!!.. bile a nak nek gaji cam 2 kali ganda.. aish..

smlm telah wat esperiment telan 3bijik pil selsema dan 7 bijik pil batok dan kahak serta 15 ml obat batok klinik mega.. pastu takot mati maka minum, air banyak2 dalam botol mineral beso.. pastu akibatnye?? muntah2 goreng pisang mkn lunch smlm.. eiiiyuk!!!!! pastu derita pening kepala smp skang.. melayang2 aje.. huhu.. tapi still pagi yg ceriaa.. wiwwiiiiii....

esok cuti maka ape ektiviti ye?? mungkin terperap d rumah saje tunggu laki pulang dr mane2 yg die rase die nak pergi.. hurm lagik..

patblas tawon

kemarau 14 tahon d tamatkan malam tadik.. dengan bebekalkan 3-0.. mesia melangkah d stadium indon.. strategi 9-1 nmpk sgt rajagopal nak wat teknik bertahan jek.. tapi bejaye gak dapat tawan 1 gol untuk mesia yg menambahkan lagik keyakinan ktrg yg dok bekumpol kat dataran putrajaya menanti penoh debar.. (irfan pemain indon siap nanges2 tak pat terima kenyataan)

walobagaimanepon, bolos gak 2 gol tok indon.. takpe aa.. benteng dah agak rapuh d saat akhir.. bg jek la derang kalah ngan bermaruah sket.. haha.. indon2 tu men ngan agak ganas ah.. harus dapat bnyk kad dr raferee..

bile minit ke 90 sume org berdiri dah melaung2 kejayaan.. haha.. sgt teruja..

dan akhirnya kegembiraan ini tak berakhir d situ aje bile pacik PM wat announcement ari jumaat CUTI UMUM 1 MESIA!!!yeahhhh!!!!

i lep fahmi (ensem) jgn marah cik jejari runcing , abg rajagopal, safee, safiq, amri yahya, s. kunalan, sabre,
muslim dan ramai lagik harimau malaya!!! muahhhhhh!! time kasih menyebabkan kami sume bleh cuti ari jumaat.. yeah!!

Rabu, 29 Disember 2010

lemak terabai..

da lame tak wat entry pasal kekurusan dan penurunan berat.. maka apekah maksudnye? maknenyeh proses penurunan berat terbantot dan terabai dan selamat belayar ke laut samudera.. tak men laut cino selatan dah.. dekat sgt nak compare ngan pemendaman program penyusutan dan pemusnahan lelemak yg dah 2 3 bulan tak di lakukan.. haha..

reason? org mesia kan suka bg alasan.. alasan kan dapat sejokkan api yg panas.. dapat padamkan bara yg menyala.. alasan gak leh totop sume kesalahan kelemahan diri sendrik.. la la la

maka ini alasan saye! jgn tiru ye!!

1. bz giler- ha ha ayat skema.. bz nye cuma sehari dua tapi tak sentuh alat senaman smp bebulan2

2. trip overseas- trip nye hanye sekalik.. seminggu jek.. tapi tak begerak pon badan yg demok di kala petang ari pas landed di negara asal.. heh

3. sakit- owh yg ni tak pat elak.. pas kne jangkitan kencin.. dan alhamdulillah dah baik.. kne batok2 dan selsema pula.. lelah nak joget2 depan laptop tok bg peloh kuo.. la la la

4. malas- haha ini bukan alasan tapi kenyataan!!!

maka berat adalah.. ...... ..

haha.. malu.. same jek mcm tak masok petandingan TBL3.. ari kames ni nak kne timbang last session tok tentukan sape juara tapi tak begerak camne nak menang?? adehh...
logik lah sikit kan..

maka? adakah daku akan bersukan balik petang ni? tak mungkin sbb petang ni nak bersuka ria tgk bola kat dataran..

abes? bile nak besukan??????

ermm-no answer- :[

Isnin, 27 Disember 2010

new year revolution

all these while starting from day 1 bekeje.. i pilih wp3.. which mean dtg keje pkol 8:30 balik pkol 5:30.. as we are separa kerajaan.. so boleh pilih wp mne yg kite nak tok di masokkan lam sistem kedatangan.. tak lain tak bukan tok menentukan kita ni bedisiplin ke tak..

but for three years working wif this company.. (mcm a penah work kat company lain kan).. i smp opis kekadang pkol 8:20 kekadang pkol 8:30 tetepat.. dan kekadang ade gak yg smp kol 8:40.. ayyoyo.. ilek jek wat muka cam tade masalah g tumb print... "tet tet thank you" mesin tumb tu cakap.. mesin tu cool sgt smp ktrg dtg lmbt pon tak rase besalah langsung.. kalo punch card kan kita nmpak die tuko kaler merah kalo lmbt.. :D

tapi today.. utk vote next year pny kehadiran.. i chose wp2.. mean kne dtg keje pkol 8 pagi.. erk!... 8 pagi?? mcm bunuh diri sendrik jek.. boleh ke ek? alahai padahal umah 1km jek dr opis.. tapi mcm alahai..

xpe lets try for new spirit, new year, new resolusi.. new revolution.. new me!! yeyeah!!

bbq 3-0 terbaek!

salam peeps..

christmas dtg tande nye da nak new year tande nye dah nak tawon depan.. weweeee.. so di kala tak cuti pon sbb christmas time ari sabtu, maka kami, sydney frens (sedot dr syu pny fb album title) g be-reunion besame laki dan pakwe2 masing2 d sungai tekala di samping bbq yanti yg enaq!!

wah wah.. sayup jek di kelilingi hutan2 rimba, ngan bunyik air yg deras gilos.. air sgt kunin sbb ujan yg menjunam2 di pagi dan ari2 sblmnye.. walopon ujan menyimbah bumi pepagi tu, ktrg redah jugak demi bbq yg enaq.. huhu..

kanak2 bejalan beramai2 g carik port tebaek!

haruslah idopkan api..

bersame bbq itus..

d sebabkan air yg deras dan ktrg bawak budak baru baik operation, maka port tade a baek sgt.. tapi selamat.. :D maka bbq operasi pon bermula.. lihat.. siap ade 2 jenis perisa ayam.. nyup2..

campro! padahal macam pro tak hengat daku bersame camera pinjam wandi D90.. weweee

sebahagian drpd gmbr kanak2 mandi.. sbhgian jek sbb bile i tron g mandi tade sape nak amek gambo dah.. haha

pastu kebosanan sbb tak pat ikot laki g berbola d stadium.. me n acaq pon berusaha g dataran putrajaya.. malaysia harimau malaya terbaek!! 3-0 mmg tak terduga.. walopon dtg 30 menet lmbt sbb menikmati tomyam dlu kat bangi.. tapi ktrg puas ati.. montot basah pon tak kesah dah.. yg penting golllll gol dan GOLLLL lagikkk.... terbaek safee!! fahmi, hammali jugak!! tgk kat dataran adelah lagik syok sbb org leh lari2 joget2 meraikan kejayaan.. macik umo 40 tawon pon leh joget2 jugak.. wohooo buat2 istighfar macik oi..

hopefully away game akan menang jugak walopon ktrg sorak dr jauh jek.. time away game nnt nak tgk kat dataran lagik.. this time mesti lagik ramai.. kne dtg awal!!.. hihi.. semangat!!!

Rabu, 22 Disember 2010

Inventing My Own iPad Application for Maxis

My Dream iPad Application

Maxis contest participant badge

iPad is more useful if they provide this kind of application, which none of smart-phone or any other smart gadget has offered.. which is:

spectacle locator

nowadays, about 50% of the world population wear glasses.. and imagine just how many of them had lost their glasses in a month..being stepped upon, snapped, lost, lost and then found again, with a screw missing and broken leg or worse still, missing. No-one had even looked at them! Worst case, the owner can't or didn't remember where they put them. with poor, blurry vision, they couldn't find their glasses and just simply stepped upon them.

proposed application?
invent a radar type of system that can detect glass or steel or the whole set of glasses.benefits?
it is very useful for person with poor vision to locate their glasses.
sure thing, with this application invented, not only youngsters will buy this iPad, even pensioners/elders and also nenek2 will buy an iPad as it helps them to locate their spectacles. percayalah korunk!!

for those have not yet have an iPad from Maxis, here some info for you guys.. hope u'll teruja and bought one today!!

Maxis now offers Data Plans exclusive to iPad, tailor made to suit your needs! Just sign up for any of Maxis’ great data plans below and experience online entertainment on the ego. All plans come with Micro-SIM card.

please enlarge :D

Tak paham? click here for more on Maxis iPad plan bro: http://www.maxis.com.my/personal/broadband/ipad_postpaid.asp .. yeyeahhhhh...


owh tidak berguna kalau rupa baru yg cantik di sia-siakan begitu saje.. d biarkan bersawang tanpa d bela.. berhabuk tak berpost...

habuk dan resdung..
bg org yg beresdung cam i nih.. mmg tak seswai dok lam keadaan habuk yg mencurah2.. sgt tak d galakkan sapu rumah yg berhabuk.. lap kipas yg penoh habuk sbb nnt idung akan gatal2 cam nak tercabot.. bg mereka yg tak biase beresdung mesti tatau betape sengsaranye ong2 yg gatal idong cam gatal at 1 point jek of ur idong atau gatal kat bulu2 idong jek sometimes.. haha.. lame2 jadik sakit.. ber-air dan berhingos kunin ijau..

ditambah pula ngan sakit tinger org2 dtg umah kutuk2 umah bnyk habuk sbb kita tak sapu tak lap sbb hidung sensitip ngan habuk.. (alasan.. tet!)

dan ape kaitan resdung dengan gemok??
banyak air idong kuo banyak yg kita sedot2 telan.. bile dah bnyk telan air ijo kunin tu maka betambah aa berat lemak.. wawawa.. real..

Rabu, 15 Disember 2010

a new look!

uhuhu.. mempersembahkan.. new background from scrapping blogspot.. thanks to cik bambam again sbb i cilokx ur background pny template pny provider.. huhu cik bambam mmg idola sejati i ah dalam dunia blog2 neh.. almost nak cilok gak font jadik hebat gempak tapi taterel edit size font plak.. helplessly bongsok dalam edit mengedit script java neh.. script jawe pon tak pandai walopon berdarah jawe.. inikan plak java.. heh..

tak lupe gak thanks to scrappin' blogs sbb bg choice yg menariks2.. hopefully derang paham bahse melayu.. cik bambam nye blog lagik cun melecun.. terpesona abes..

tapi sgt spoilt ok.. size header beso sgt.. tak muat nak masok lam kotak yg sepatotnyeh.. guanas mirikel btol ah.. nnt tem rajin2 lagik akan ku ubah bg masok fit2 muat2 jek..

mlm ni nak g bejumpa jumpi ngan rakan se'kampong'.. geng2 sydney kat mamak seksen 15, bbb.. uih kompom order 'nasik goreng ayam goreng ayam bnyk2'.. ini sume pengaruh uji tem men badminton malam2 besame2.. skang uji dah kat cheras da tak men badminton besame lagik.. akibatnye da lame raket badminton jadik taman pemainan labah2 ngan lipas.. haha.. syok jek derang men hullahoop kat stu..

tetibe blank sbb jam da pkol 5:32 pm.. time to go home!! sonok tayah masak beby g tgk bola ngan kawan2 is3 g beronggeng ngan kawan2 jgk.. yeyeah!!

Selasa, 14 Disember 2010

awal.. cepat.. pantas dan tuntas

skang ni mmg gemar suke loved eddicted ngan balik keje awal.. kalo bleh pkol 4 da nak cabut.. hoh arini lagik worst case scenario.. pkol 12 da terase nak balik.. adui ai.. apelah penyakit malas sgt bekeje.. tak paham tol remaja zaman skang.. erkk.. remaja lagik kah??

tapi kalo tem bz giler due date da dekat.. sume org kelam-kabut.. smp pkol 8 sengah malam pon tak balik lagik.. ngadap aa kompiter smbil berbincang jarak jauh ngan teammatez.. tem tu sgt seronok la bekeje sbb terase betol d bayar gaji tok bekeje.. tapi tem mcm tu tak selalu.. datang dalam 2 kali setahun jek maksimum.. haha.. tak mencabar sungguh

maka adakah sepanjang bekeje setahun.. sepanjang bergaji rm **** sebulan.. dan total gaji RM X6, 000 per annum.. 2 ari jek kah aku bekeje berhempas pulas?? owh owh.. nmpk sgt jahat ok.. nmpk sgt keji dan hina..

kebenaran nye tade a smp camtu skalik.. maybe dalam sebulan in total per year jek la bekeje secara culas.. benarkah? heks..

maka d sini sy ingin menasihati diri sendrik dan jugak rakan sekeliling dan readers dan pengunjung.. tok berhati2 ngan gaji yg kita miliki.. make sure that we are worth as such.. selamat menilai.. mari beramal..

celcom for everyone sale

never heard bout it? me neither.. but its back!! thanks to xpax and celcom..

dah lame teringin nak ber BB torch??.. auww asyikkk.. here your chance to own it cheaper than others.. hoho lets klick this link

i bg u senang.. some list of phones they gonna mark down the price during the sale:
BlackBerry Torch 9800, BlackBerry Bold 9780, BlackBerry Bold 9700, BlackBerry Curve 9300, BlackBerry Curve 8520, LG Optimus 7, LG Optimus One, Nokia C7, Nokia C3 and Sony Ericsson SE X8.

if uolz pengguna setia celcom leh kumpol token tok further diskaun.. bestest!

Ahad, 12 Disember 2010

Catch Korean Pop Stars live in Malaysia!

Beast, Gna and 4minute live in concert brought to you by #DiGikpop !! Hurry!! Get your pre-sale tix at 1Utama New Wing!! http://t.co/I6yjEGj.... for more info click here

hav no idea about them? its ok.. takpe.. let me introduce..

beast or B2ST, an acronym for boys to Search for Top consist of 6 members.. which are Yoon Doo Joon (leader), Son Dong Woon, Lee Gi Kwang, Yong Jun Hyung, Yang Yo Seob, and Jang Hyun Seung

Gna.. penah duet ngan RAIN tok lagu ‘The Things I Want To Do If I Have A Lover’.. tah tah rain pon dtg kot for #DiGikpop concert live neh!!.. wah..

4 minute.. pompuan cun2 u olz... meh meh mari beli tiket di 1utama..

Jumaat, 10 Disember 2010


sbb timbang berat pagik tadi tade dah no 7 kat depan.. dah tuko jadik no 6... waaaaaaaaaaaaaa sgt gembira.. 69.2 is all enuf for me after a very hectic month.. sebulan tak berusaha ape2 tok turunkan berat badan.. sebulan excersize menggunakan kunyahan molot jek.. haha.. sebolan makan nasik tak hingat doniawi.. tapi jatuh gak ke angka 6 d hadapan.. weee.. gembira..

lagik bertambah gembira roscon berakhir ngan mantap.. dan myvap workshop berjaya.. tinggal tunggu outcome dr myvap workshop.. weee.. dan amat berbangga bila d puji prof tadik.. ahaks.. masok2 meeting jek pagik tadik prof puji.. aik bukan die ke yg mintak cuti smlm.. dtg plak arini.. bagus la.. tahniah laa.. iron lady crase.. wahhhhhhh... bangga kembang pungkok!!!(walopon masok opis 30 menet lambat).. hahaha..

ngantok dan terlelap2 smbl menaip.. adios jek laa.....

Rabu, 1 Disember 2010

How Safe is Your Car?


Dato’, Prof., Dr., Ir., Tuan, Puan, Cik:

How safe is your car?

The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) will host its very first conference – ROSCON 2010 – on 8-9 December 2010 at Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The theme is “Road Safety: Addressing the Bottom Billions”.

The first day will be filled with presentations for the accepted papers, and the second day is the time for parallel workshops (4 in total). One of the workshops is for MyVAP – the Malaysian Vehicle Assessment Program – an initiative by MIROS which is somewhat similar to New Car Assessment Program (NCAP).

The highlights of this MyVAP workshop which you do not wish to miss, among others, include:

1. The exclusive Top 30 Car Safety Rating (MyVAP Prediction) will be revealed – be among the first to know!

2. The motivation behind the World NCAP by the ANCAP (Australian NCAP) Test Program Manager, Mr. Michael Case.

3. The cutting edge automobile crash testing technologies by KYOWA Electronic Instruments from Japan.

4. The experience in developing the automotive facilities by the Japanese Automobile Research Center (JARI).

5. The importance of radar in contributing to Active Safety for passenger vehicles and its potential for local use – let’s listen to the radar system expert, Mr. Hiroshi Kondo from EHF Consultant.

You can also share your knowledge and views. Let’s work together for a better automotive environment in Malaysia!

For registration, please fill in this form (click here) and please contact Mrs. Norliana Ali Haidzir @ norliana@miros.gov.my.

Last but not least, your assistance in circulating the info of this seminar to others is highly appreciated.


kenegara asal dan teros bekeje cam lipas kudong.. penat! penuh! penyet!
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