Selasa, 12 Jun 2018


life is very unreasonable for me to live in right now.

im pregnant. yes im happy. Alhamdulillah, this is what i seek from Allah.

but nearly every day during this whole Ramadhan my eyes fill with tears.

Jumaat, 23 Februari 2018

Eat clean february

Those were some of my healthy clean eating.. some days i ate clean..some days i chose healthy foods.. n some i just ate gapoever i want..

Isnin, 8 Januari 2018

creating healthy habits

my oh my.. my healthy habit is not last long pon.. x bejaya jadik habit pon.. hurm..

this year husband dah tak bg join running lagi.. kecoh la.. die cakap gtu je tros dah malas nak move my body utk buat sesuatu demi kebaikan diri... i biokan jek lemak terpendam2 di sana sini..

mcm last year ade la jugak buat sesuatu mcm join lari every month.. towards the end dah down dah nak larik.. rekod timing pon dah off giler..

so tahun 2018 tanak la janji apape kat diri sendiri.. usia pon dah lanjut. harap tak panjang sgt la umur.. malas la nak menjalani kehidupan..

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