met wip dr. faizul jalal n his tunang dr. emm tak ingat name, ex-classroom mate @ jasin there..

then on the way to either 'secret recipe 3-6pm free coffee for every slice of cake' or 'baskin robin 31% discount every 31st'
Dato’, Prof., Dr., Ir., Tuan, Puan, Cik:
How safe is your car?
The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) will host its very first conference – ROSCON 2010 – on 8-9 December 2010 at Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The theme is “Road Safety: Addressing the Bottom Billions”.
The first day will be filled with presentations for the accepted papers, and the second day is the time for parallel workshops (4 in total). One of the workshops is for MyVAP – the Malaysian Vehicle Assessment Program – an initiative by MIROS which is somewhat similar to New Car Assessment Program (NCAP).
The highlights of this MyVAP workshop which you do not wish to miss, among others, include:
1. The exclusive Top 30 Car Safety Rating (MyVAP Prediction) will be revealed – be among the first to know!
2. The motivation behind the World NCAP by the ANCAP (Australian NCAP) Test Program Manager, Mr. Michael Case.
3. The cutting edge automobile crash testing technologies by KYOWA Electronic Instruments from Japan.
4. The experience in developing the automotive facilities by the Japanese Automobile Research Center (JARI).
5. The importance of radar in contributing to Active Safety for passenger vehicles and its potential for local use – let’s listen to the radar system expert, Mr. Hiroshi Kondo from EHF Consultant.
You can also share your knowledge and views. Let’s work together for a better automotive environment in Malaysia!
For registration, please fill in this form (click here) and please contact Mrs. Norliana Ali Haidzir @ norliana@miros.gov.my.
Last but not least, your assistance in circulating the info of this seminar to others is highly appreciated.