Selasa, 28 September 2010

back to work after long trip

hi hi hello..

i was safely landed on our country international airport last Saturday.. the flight was very bad.. i had headache during taxi, take off, on air and landing... huhuhu.. never experience this before.. JAL is S***.. their flight was unstable and wobbling on air.. seram ok..

niway.. was shocked when i arrived home.. went straight to penimbang and my weight wasn't shift at all.. hahaha.. feel lucky and blessed.. tot that after those meals i had in Japan, all the weight and fat accumulated back to their previous position and increased my body capacity.. but it didn't happen that way.. yeyeay..

i'm looking forward for frens to invite me to their open house (kalau masih ade baki2 lg yg blom smpat buat).. hihiks.. and after that baru lah nak sambung smula my diet.. la la la..

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