Isnin, 31 Oktober 2011

SAE members Bowling Day

last Saturday, SAE International Malaysian Section was having Bowling days at Alamanda Putrajaya for their members and also stakeholders relating to automotive industries.. we at MIROS and Crase were being nominated as the organizing committee for the blast-full event.. 
wah organizing comittee.. kelas mak..
mr chairman for the event
mr chairman SAE Malaysia.. Mr Suffian Lau
en EmmCee
sweet couple of the year
encik somi pon dipaksa main jugak.. huhu.. (sape amek gambo blkg i nih!)
wiwiitt awekkk...
muka belagak bile dpt strike haha
NF.. noor faradila.. hiks.. stret strike wehhh sume ahli group.. wee
immediate boss
top scorer.. no3.. tgh ajo wan ridzuan yg mcm tareti men bowling jek tuh..
Org kuat!! muka pon dah tak semenggah.. haharharhar
abg ensem.. perghh... mintak otograp..
pergh.. gaya 
mcm ke longkang je pergi nyeh.. haha
mr Emmcee pon kne men gak.. 
 the champion team adalah Perodua!!.. derang mmg dah hantar wakil yg power2 masok lam 1 team.. 

kejohanan akan dtg kne berlaku adil.. kne mixkan yg power ngan yg tak power bru ah fight..

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