We, my friend and i, are proudly introducing to u.. our new satin hijab online shop..
The PiLoT Hijab

Alhamdulillah.. impian yg slama ni terpendam dan terangan2 dh memulakan langkah baru dalam dunia realiti..
Maka, kawan2 yg sedang tercari2 shawl satin dan bawal satin yg mudah bentuk, lembut, flowy, tak panas, kain sejuk, tak tebal smp pekak telinga, tak kejung... silalah visit my ig @thepilothijab atau our facebook page thepilothijab..
Our long shawl collection comes with 2 finishing
oblong and Dcurve

Our square bawal satin collection

Our baby step.. the first leap..
posted from Bloggeroid
All the best.
BalasPadamthank you thank you