weehuuuuu.. 1st time ni bebuka kat lua.. kat kedai mkn.. kat bangi kopitiam.. sorang2.. sadis nyehhhh.. sedih rase nyeh.. ye la ade suami sorang yg bz.. teramat plak bz nye skang ni.. tensi2.. takpe la.. saye sedar saye cume sorang isteri yg biase2 jek.. la la la
ok menu rini ialah mee kari (carbsssss) ngan air teh 3 lapissss.. nyummmmmmmm!! shedapsss... weeeee... nak layan pe ni ek.. seb bek aa bawak lappie d kala besendirian di kedai mkn yg ade wifi free... weee.. mantap aa... ok slamt bebuka sume.. la la la..
Isnin, 30 Ogos 2010
weighing session
weeheee.. sgt gembira smlm sbb dah sebulan tgk timbang asek la berubah2 dr 75- 73kg jek.. pastu smlm timbang tetibe jek tepacul angka 72.. wow!! teros g snap pic.. terase sgt kurus dan hebat.. hahaha.. at least cecah gak angka 72 tu kan.. tapi timbang ni sgt annoying ok.. suke ejek org gemok.. tensi2.. instead of showing numbers for BMI die guna simbol org gemok tok bg tau kite overweight.. tau olready la.. tayah la smp nak sindir2.. lempang kang.. gagagga
tapi mungkin kah penurunan ni sbb sy wat workout Jillian smbil sapu krim Dr Johnson slimming cream? atau mungkinkah kerane sy dah mula mkn beras perang yg sehat? hiks semangat g beli beras perang ok.. dan taksemtoh da nasik putih.. kiki
tonite bebuka sorang2.. sape nak ikot g kenny rogers?? mari jom! bayar sendrik2 la tapik.. hoho
Sabtu, 28 Ogos 2010
ais utk berbuka

serik rasanye.. tak mo lagik dah.. pasni minum air suam jek laa.. no more ais or air sejuk.. actually dah tahu dah.. tahu sgt2.. tapi sbb tadi g shopping la kononye.. g jalan tar ngan sogo.. kat jalan tar dah tak larat ramai gile org.. pastu masok sogo lagikk laaa.. hilang tros mood shopping.. masok 5 menet jek sogo tu pastu teros blah balik.. tak larat ok.. better g time keje jek la.. :d hiks.. menyelinap takpe kot kan? gaga..
maka balik dr sogo pkol 4ptg.. rase sgt dehydrated.. dalam kepala otak cepat laaaa masa belalu nak minumm.. nak minum... nak minum air sejokkk.. bile smp time buka, baca doa bukak poser pon dah tak dan dah.. hah hambek ko..terima lah padahnya..
Rasullullah sendiri dah ajar cara bebuka yg tepat.. mulakan ngan kurma.. that simple.. rupanye2 utk elak sakit perot.. sebu perot dan hangin satu badan.. uhu baru tau :p..
next time.. remind me! NO ICE for break fast!.,.
Jumaat, 27 Ogos 2010
get inspired by cik ainz lalu terpengaruh nak workout gaya jillian michelle.. maka sebok la membeli peralatan bersenam gaya baru.. new dumbbell which cost me 30 bucks!! berat 1.5kg each.. ok lah kan for starter.. gege.. sangat tatau bile nak mula.. ngoi!.. its me the true me mmg bekobar2 semangat tapi action entah kemane.. la la la..
then found my little gadget, my ipod yg lost dah betahun2 (sejak balik dr sydney back in 2007) bought it mase final day kat sydney.. bought before im leaving on a jet plane.. haha.. senang citer kat airport sydney la.. jumpa tapi tareti nak sync.. jumpa balik, ilang earphone.. jumpa earphone ilang wire.. haha.. dah lengkap sume nak sync tapi syg lagu2 nasyid dulu2.. tapi skang dah sync sbb terpakse kerane dah sebok skang ni masokkan lagu2 untuk preparation workout.. wow!! preparation hebat tak hengat.. bile nak gerak nyeh ni oi cik???!!

maka found this page yg bg guide lagu2 seswai tok shake2 our body.. haha.. bg lagu best2 bru semangat.. gigi.. to my interest..i cume load lagu2 hip hop wkout songs jek.. yg lain cam tak kena ngan jiwa remaje i neh.. :o remaja kah? gaga.. okkey nak start dah ni.. cincau!
got this lists from this buddy
Rock Workout Songs
•Highway to Hell ~ AC/DC
•The Unforgiven II ~ Metallica
•Faint ~ Linkin Park
•Tornado of Souls ~ Megadeth
•Turn the Page ~ Metallica
•Wherever I May Roam ~ Metallica
•You Know My Name ~ Chris Cornell
•Rockstar ~ Nickelback
•Fear of the Dark ~ Iron Maiden
•Another Brick in the Wall ~ Pink Floyd
•We Will Rock You ~ Queen
•We Are the Champions ~ Queen
•Morning Glory ~ Oasis
•The Eye of the Tiger ~ Survivor
•It's My Life ~ Bon Jovi
•Domination ~ Pantera
•I'm Shipping Up to Boston ~ Dropkick Murphys
•Alive ~ Pearl Jam
•Know Your Enemy ~ Green Day
•What I've Done ~ Linkin Park
•Enter Sandman ~ Metallica
•Bleed It Out ~ Linkin Park
Hip Hop Workout Songs
•Boom Boom Pow ~ Black Eyed Peas
•Gasolina ~ Daddy Yankee
•The Way I Are ~ Timbaland ft Keri Hilson
•My Humps ~ Black Eyed Peas
•Smack That ~ Akon ft Eminem
•Work It ~ Nelly ft Justin Timberlake
•Love Stoned ~ Justin Timberlake
•SexyBack ~ Justin Timberlake
•Lose Yourself ~ Eminem
•In Da Club ~ 50 Cent
•She Wants It ~ 50 Cent ft Justin Timberlake
•Girlfriend ~ N sync ft Nelly
•Rock Your Body ~ Justin Timberlake
•Hips Don't Lie ~ Shakira ft Wyclef Jean
•Yeah ~ Usher ft Lil Wayne and Ludacris
•Crank That ~ Soulja Boy
•B.O.B ~ Outkast
•Someday ~ Flipside
•Bebot ~ Black Eyed Peas
•Pump It ~ Black Eyed Peas
Pop Workout Songs
•Rasputin ~ Boney M
•4 Minutes to Save the World ~ Madonna ft Justin Timberlake
•Toxic ~ Britney Spears
•All the Things She Said ~ TATU
•Beat It ~ Michael Jackson
•Thriller ~ Michael Jackson
•Summer of '69 ~ Bryan Adams
•Viva La Vida ~ Coldplay
•Livin La Vida Loca ~ Ricky Martin
•She Bangs ~ Ricky Martin
•When I Grow Up ~ Pussycat Dolls
•Don't Cha ~ Pussycat Dolls
maka found this page yg bg guide lagu2 seswai tok shake2 our body.. haha.. bg lagu best2 bru semangat.. gigi.. to my interest..i cume load lagu2 hip hop wkout songs jek.. yg lain cam tak kena ngan jiwa remaje i neh.. :o remaja kah? gaga.. okkey nak start dah ni.. cincau!
got this lists from this buddy
Rock Workout Songs
•Highway to Hell ~ AC/DC
•The Unforgiven II ~ Metallica
•Faint ~ Linkin Park
•Tornado of Souls ~ Megadeth
•Turn the Page ~ Metallica
•Wherever I May Roam ~ Metallica
•You Know My Name ~ Chris Cornell
•Rockstar ~ Nickelback
•Fear of the Dark ~ Iron Maiden
•Another Brick in the Wall ~ Pink Floyd
•We Will Rock You ~ Queen
•We Are the Champions ~ Queen
•Morning Glory ~ Oasis
•The Eye of the Tiger ~ Survivor
•It's My Life ~ Bon Jovi
•Domination ~ Pantera
•I'm Shipping Up to Boston ~ Dropkick Murphys
•Alive ~ Pearl Jam
•Know Your Enemy ~ Green Day
•What I've Done ~ Linkin Park
•Enter Sandman ~ Metallica
•Bleed It Out ~ Linkin Park
Hip Hop Workout Songs
•Boom Boom Pow ~ Black Eyed Peas
•Gasolina ~ Daddy Yankee
•The Way I Are ~ Timbaland ft Keri Hilson
•My Humps ~ Black Eyed Peas
•Smack That ~ Akon ft Eminem
•Work It ~ Nelly ft Justin Timberlake
•Love Stoned ~ Justin Timberlake
•SexyBack ~ Justin Timberlake
•Lose Yourself ~ Eminem
•In Da Club ~ 50 Cent
•She Wants It ~ 50 Cent ft Justin Timberlake
•Girlfriend ~ N sync ft Nelly
•Rock Your Body ~ Justin Timberlake
•Hips Don't Lie ~ Shakira ft Wyclef Jean
•Yeah ~ Usher ft Lil Wayne and Ludacris
•Crank That ~ Soulja Boy
•B.O.B ~ Outkast
•Someday ~ Flipside
•Bebot ~ Black Eyed Peas
•Pump It ~ Black Eyed Peas
Pop Workout Songs
•Rasputin ~ Boney M
•4 Minutes to Save the World ~ Madonna ft Justin Timberlake
•Toxic ~ Britney Spears
•All the Things She Said ~ TATU
•Beat It ~ Michael Jackson
•Thriller ~ Michael Jackson
•Summer of '69 ~ Bryan Adams
•Viva La Vida ~ Coldplay
•Livin La Vida Loca ~ Ricky Martin
•She Bangs ~ Ricky Martin
•When I Grow Up ~ Pussycat Dolls
•Don't Cha ~ Pussycat Dolls
2 moons
dilot dan suami tgh menunggu fenomena 2 moons.. where planet marikh melawat bumi serapat 34.65M meter.. banyak pendapat yang kate pkol 12:30 mlm 27 ogos 2010.. which is lagik 5 menet.. dan ade gak kate pkol 9 mlm 27 ogos 2010..
bulan akan kelihatan seperti rajah di bawah.. tapi utk tengok lebih jelas memerlukan teleskop.. where got nak dapat teleskop lagik 5 menet neh?
bulan akan kelihatan seperti rajah di bawah.. tapi utk tengok lebih jelas memerlukan teleskop.. where got nak dapat teleskop lagik 5 menet neh?
aniway, nak g tgk gak jap lagik.. tadi da kuo tgk ade bintang saje.. this fenomena will be occured again pada tahun 2287.. hehe kompom2 tah kat mane2 la diri ini time tuh.. :D
Khamis, 26 Ogos 2010
skang ni tgh obsessive giler ngan far-infrared (FIR) technology.. ye lah skang tgh berusaha pakai 4 step shape sauna slimming belt yg menggunakan teknologi FIR tu.. pulak tu terbaca fakta (bukan auta) pasal Fir ni kat blog member ni (nak kurus) yang g sauna kat jalan kebun shah alam.. sauna tu guna teknologi FIR yang hebat.. dan kalo nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut pasal teknologi FIR ni meh klik link kat bawah ni
best kan.. trase cam nak singgah jek spa sauna tu bile blik umah mak metua nnt.. kampung sebelah jek tu.. menarik2.. tapi taleh g kerap la.. memandangkan umah kat kajang.. nak menapak ke sane jauhhhh amat.. maka pkai jek la 4-step shape suana slimming belt yg dah menampakkan kesan ni.. :D.. woot woott...
lebih2 lagik bile sapu Dr johnson slimming cream.. pastu balot ngan slimming belt ni.. woot wooottt lazat benar lemak terbakar.. weeee
ni bukan propa tau.. ini betul2 bukan dugaan.. :D
best kan.. trase cam nak singgah jek spa sauna tu bile blik umah mak metua nnt.. kampung sebelah jek tu.. menarik2.. tapi taleh g kerap la.. memandangkan umah kat kajang.. nak menapak ke sane jauhhhh amat.. maka pkai jek la 4-step shape suana slimming belt yg dah menampakkan kesan ni.. :D.. woot woott...
lebih2 lagik bile sapu Dr johnson slimming cream.. pastu balot ngan slimming belt ni.. woot wooottt lazat benar lemak terbakar.. weeee
ni bukan propa tau.. ini betul2 bukan dugaan.. :D
Isnin, 23 Ogos 2010
researcher or research officer
is it still valid to call one researcher a reserach officer when he/she doesn't know what to research??..
out of idea.. doesn't noe where to begin what to begin with.. hoh..
berenti keje sounds promising.. hihi.. berenti keje a esok.. :D
out of idea.. doesn't noe where to begin what to begin with.. hoh..
berenti keje sounds promising.. hihi.. berenti keje a esok.. :D
Sabtu, 21 Ogos 2010
bergymba while fasting
oh GOD camne ade org boleh exercising despite the fact that they are fasting? uhuks.. daily muscle ni dah bg jawapan siap interview PT muslim lagik.. tapi aku tetap ade alasan yg sahih.. gagaga.. bulat air kerana pembetong.. bulat manusia kerana bnyk alasan.. haha...

1. sgt takot dahaga.. nnt tepakse buka atau pengsan tetibe camne?? sape nak hangkat?? berat woooo..
2. saye isteri org.. the fact that i have sumone stomach to take care of.. especially during ramadhan.. during breakfasting he need to be fed with luvely foods..
3. tak sempat a nak g bazar ramadhan pastu nak g gym lagik.. uih mne de mase.. tak sepat tak sempat
4. my hubby need me to be by his side during breakfast.. camne??
:D excellent kan my alasan?? gigigi
1. sgt takot dahaga.. nnt tepakse buka atau pengsan tetibe camne?? sape nak hangkat?? berat woooo..
2. saye isteri org.. the fact that i have sumone stomach to take care of.. especially during ramadhan.. during breakfasting he need to be fed with luvely foods..
3. tak sempat a nak g bazar ramadhan pastu nak g gym lagik.. uih mne de mase.. tak sepat tak sempat
4. my hubby need me to be by his side during breakfast.. camne??
:D excellent kan my alasan?? gigigi
7 days detox diet
uhu bace detox diet ni dr blog ida chubby dan nmpk sgt berkesan dan nak try jugak.. tapi tatau bile.. skang kan tgh puase.. kalo buat pon mampukah bebuka ngan sayur2 dan buah2 jek?? mau collapse.. hehe tapi curik gak la artikel bekenaan diet detox ni.. harap dpt aa cube bile2.. ying yinggg...
This program is designed for a target weight loss of 5-6kgs per week. It will also improve your attitude and emotions because of its systematic cleansing effects. The effectiveness of this 7 day plan is that the foods eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like to without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.During the first 7 days you must drink 10 glasses of water each day.
DAY ONE : All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lost of watermelon and cantaloupe.
DAY TWO : All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.
DAY THREE : Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and No potatoes today.
DAY FOUR : Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as 8 bananas and drink 3 glasses of milk. You can also have I bowl of vegetables soup.
DAY FIVE : Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 cup of rice.** You also have to eat 6 whole tomatoes and drink 12 glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing.** yang nie kita gantikan dengan roti/bihun (selain nasi ler)
DAY SIX : Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart’s content.
DAY SEVEN : Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume.
Tomorrow morning you will be 5 to 8 kgs. lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for 3 days before every repetition.You have your system under control now and it will thank you for all the purging and cleansing you just gave it. Even more than a diet program it is good to follow this diet once in a while to clean yourdigestive system and remove toxic substances that have a accumulated in the system.
The most important element of the program is the 10 tall glasses of water a day. You can also flavor the water with some lemon to make the drink easier. While on the program, take only black coffee and never more than one teaspoon of oil. Preferably do not use oil because the high calorific content. No fruit juices before day seven.Here is what happens to you body while you are on this program and how and why it works.
Day 1: You are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Your only source of nutrition is fresh fruits. Fruits are nature’s perfect food. They provide everything you can possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.
Day 2: Starts with a fix complex carbohydrates in the form of a boiled potato. This is taken in the form of a boiled potato and taken in the morning to provide energy and balance. The rest of the day too consists of vegetables which are virtually calories free and provide essential nutrients and fiber.
Day 3: Eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will have cravings, which should start to diminish by day four.
Day 4: Bananas and milk. You are in for a surprise. You probably will not be able to eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there fore the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the last three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets and you will be surprised at how easy this day will go.
Day 5: Rice and tomatoes. The rice is for the carbohydrates and the tomatoes are for the digestion and the fiber. Lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colorless urine today. Do not feel you have to eat one cup rice, you may eat less. But you must eat six tomatoes.
Day 6: It is similar to five. Vitamins and fiber from the vegetables and carbohydrates from the rice. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today compared to day one.More than one cup of coffee with milk is especially forbidden. Milk and oil add empty calories to your diet. Avid coffee lovers can console themselves with black coffee.
However, after the first week, it will help your digestion and set your stomach. The key think to remember is that if you are hungry at any time, then you are not following the diet correctly. Almost all people give up the diet when they are hungry because of dieting. The secret of this program is that you should never hungry. If it is a vegetable day, eat so much vegetable so that you are never hungry. If it is a fruits day, eat so much fruits that you are never hungry. You may be bored of eating vegetables all day, but you should not be hungry.
This program is designed for a target weight loss of 5-6kgs per week. It will also improve your attitude and emotions because of its systematic cleansing effects. The effectiveness of this 7 day plan is that the foods eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like to without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.During the first 7 days you must drink 10 glasses of water each day.
DAY ONE : All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lost of watermelon and cantaloupe.
DAY TWO : All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.
DAY THREE : Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and No potatoes today.
DAY FOUR : Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as 8 bananas and drink 3 glasses of milk. You can also have I bowl of vegetables soup.
DAY FIVE : Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 cup of rice.** You also have to eat 6 whole tomatoes and drink 12 glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing.** yang nie kita gantikan dengan roti/bihun (selain nasi ler)
DAY SIX : Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart’s content.
DAY SEVEN : Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume.
Tomorrow morning you will be 5 to 8 kgs. lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for 3 days before every repetition.You have your system under control now and it will thank you for all the purging and cleansing you just gave it. Even more than a diet program it is good to follow this diet once in a while to clean yourdigestive system and remove toxic substances that have a accumulated in the system.
The most important element of the program is the 10 tall glasses of water a day. You can also flavor the water with some lemon to make the drink easier. While on the program, take only black coffee and never more than one teaspoon of oil. Preferably do not use oil because the high calorific content. No fruit juices before day seven.Here is what happens to you body while you are on this program and how and why it works.
Day 1: You are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Your only source of nutrition is fresh fruits. Fruits are nature’s perfect food. They provide everything you can possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.
Day 2: Starts with a fix complex carbohydrates in the form of a boiled potato. This is taken in the form of a boiled potato and taken in the morning to provide energy and balance. The rest of the day too consists of vegetables which are virtually calories free and provide essential nutrients and fiber.
Day 3: Eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will have cravings, which should start to diminish by day four.
Day 4: Bananas and milk. You are in for a surprise. You probably will not be able to eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there fore the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the last three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets and you will be surprised at how easy this day will go.
Day 5: Rice and tomatoes. The rice is for the carbohydrates and the tomatoes are for the digestion and the fiber. Lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colorless urine today. Do not feel you have to eat one cup rice, you may eat less. But you must eat six tomatoes.
Day 6: It is similar to five. Vitamins and fiber from the vegetables and carbohydrates from the rice. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today compared to day one.More than one cup of coffee with milk is especially forbidden. Milk and oil add empty calories to your diet. Avid coffee lovers can console themselves with black coffee.
However, after the first week, it will help your digestion and set your stomach. The key think to remember is that if you are hungry at any time, then you are not following the diet correctly. Almost all people give up the diet when they are hungry because of dieting. The secret of this program is that you should never hungry. If it is a vegetable day, eat so much vegetable so that you are never hungry. If it is a fruits day, eat so much fruits that you are never hungry. You may be bored of eating vegetables all day, but you should not be hungry.
Jumaat, 20 Ogos 2010
slimming belt yg hebat

4-step shape slimming belt ni best!.. act like sauna.. tak perlu guna electrik karen2 ni sume.. pkai dalam 20 minit dah berpeluh.. yang paling best nye 1st week pkai zip no 1.. yang paling beso sbb tau2 je lah peyot muncet.. gegege.. the following week try2 zip no 2.. fit you.. auww teruja.. haha..
and now dah pkai zip no 3.. kejap nyehh!! 3-4 minggu jek.. tapi sesak napas sket a zip no 3 tu.. tapi best jugak!! next week hopefully leh muat zip no 4.. hek hek.. cite2 tinggi tu..
fit pinggang size 56 (zip 4) sampai 98 (zip 1)
cume RM 48 jek.. da leh tuko2 zip dalam mase 3-4 minggu..
beminat meh la order kat my little-smaller E-store
Khamis, 12 Ogos 2010
little-smaller E-Store @ My1Stop.my
the like fever race powered by My1Stop has ended yesterday..
my little-smaller is in second place after standing as the winner for a week before chaoz craze mencilok and grab my chance to win this game.. haish.. but then the official announcement hasnt been made by the organizer.. so donno yet la whose gonna get the 2nd place..
so, my little-smaller gonna receive either one of these:
my little-smaller is in second place after standing as the winner for a week before chaoz craze mencilok and grab my chance to win this game.. haish.. but then the official announcement hasnt been made by the organizer.. so donno yet la whose gonna get the 2nd place..
so, my little-smaller gonna receive either one of these:
- 2nd Place
- FREE upgrade to Enterprise e-store for 1 year worth RM150 (for a Startup seller) + FREE advertising for 3 weeks
- 3rd Place
- 50% off for upgrade to Enterprise e-store for 1 year worth RM75 (for a Startup seller) + FREE advertising for 2 weeks
Jumaat, 6 Ogos 2010
i LUV pink contest!!
aha.. i luv blogging contest olready.. this one is powered by PinkyGirlTalk
do i need to explain this pic ? hehe.. obviously.. the happiest ever day in my life.. married with sumone who love me very2 very much.. my BEBY!! weeeewittt... hiks

actually i hate pink and never imagine that i gonna wore pink on my big day!! but then, this lucky champ, my late fiance, who is now is my lovely hubby forced me to choose pink for our wedding reception.. huhu maluuuuu ok!! NOW, i'm addicted to pink olready ma.. ayyoyo.. help helped!!
more pics to share tapi not for the contest.. hehe

Selasa, 3 Ogos 2010
little-smaller E-Store @ My1Stop.my
little-smaller E-Store @ My1Stop.my
hihi.. terjumpe this new way to promote my selling2.. haha.. sgt teruja!!>.<
and suddenly enter this LIKE FEVER contest.. hope to win this contest.. will get free promo and free upgrade for a year.. wee... very2 comel!!
whoever read this post.. please click to the link above and CLIK LIKE fb on the left panel.. luv yuwolllzzzz...
hihi.. terjumpe this new way to promote my selling2.. haha.. sgt teruja!!>.<
and suddenly enter this LIKE FEVER contest.. hope to win this contest.. will get free promo and free upgrade for a year.. wee... very2 comel!!
whoever read this post.. please click to the link above and CLIK LIKE fb on the left panel.. luv yuwolllzzzz...
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