Sabtu, 21 Ogos 2010

bergymba while fasting

oh GOD camne ade org boleh exercising despite the fact that they are fasting? uhuks.. daily muscle ni dah bg jawapan siap interview PT muslim lagik.. tapi aku tetap ade alasan yg sahih.. gagaga.. bulat air kerana pembetong.. bulat manusia kerana bnyk alasan.. haha...

1. sgt takot dahaga.. nnt tepakse buka atau pengsan tetibe camne?? sape nak hangkat?? berat woooo..

2. saye isteri org.. the fact that i have sumone stomach to take care of.. especially during ramadhan.. during breakfasting he need to be fed with luvely foods..

3. tak sempat a nak g bazar ramadhan pastu nak g gym lagik.. uih mne de mase.. tak sepat tak sempat

4. my hubby need me to be by his side during breakfast.. camne??

:D excellent kan my alasan?? gigigi

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