bile gua tensen gua tanak tulis lam bahase inggeris.. lagik pon adsense tak recognise my blog as englush language blog.. ceh ceh.. i tau la i pakai bahase pasar lambak english jek.. la la la..
i nak off jek laptop nih smp isnin... la la la...
dios amigos trompos.. ngoi!!!!!
Jumaat, 30 Julai 2010
eat healthy, eat fresh
healthy plate for dinner yesterday.. however,,,,,,
breakfast: free laksam made by kak ita.. uhuks
lunch: a bowl of laksa in the jungle (rimba laksa) near UKM, a bowl of cendol, a bowl of tapai pulot.. uhuks hukss huksss
in between breakfast lunch dinner: 3 packets of coklats from UK... koh koh koh.. huks..
why oh why.. thus my current weight is back to normal.. 75.6.. gerrahhhh!!
Khamis, 29 Julai 2010
Rabu, 28 Julai 2010
follow t.usang joining this lucky draw contest powered by JJM..
y not rite?? dates are the best nutrition for dieting..when we follow diet plan, no matter what kind, n suddenly we r in urge of sumthing sweets, we should consider dates as our 1st option.. dates contain all healthy substances our body needs and extremely or almost zero amount of fat and no cholesterol..

owesome ain't it?? all we need + ZERO cholesterol!!
the importance of breakfast
halluuu again..
wanna share sumthing important.. and u all should know whatever we r doing we must understand the reason out of it..
breakfast is indeed and it is crucial for those who wanna lose are some tips to lose weight with enjoying our breakfast,,
1. breakfast will decrease our hunger for food.. thus we'll take less foods during lunch till dinner.. if we delay breakfast, we'll feel hungry all the way towards dinner thus we'll eat a lot of sweetened foods.. not good!! no! no!
2. breakfast will lead you to choose healthy diet for lunch and dinner.. they are prone to consume low fat and high protein foods..
3. with breakfast.. u'll feel energetic, thus will increase metabolism, efficiency and become more productive.. without breakfast u'll lose all this three and gain more weight..
so lets enjoy our breakfast!!
wanna share sumthing important.. and u all should know whatever we r doing we must understand the reason out of it..
breakfast is indeed and it is crucial for those who wanna lose are some tips to lose weight with enjoying our breakfast,,
2. breakfast will lead you to choose healthy diet for lunch and dinner.. they are prone to consume low fat and high protein foods..
3. with breakfast.. u'll feel energetic, thus will increase metabolism, efficiency and become more productive.. without breakfast u'll lose all this three and gain more weight..
so lets enjoy our breakfast!!
Selasa, 27 Julai 2010
bergymba 450 kcal today.. wee.. didnt feel tired at all.. went to MIROS exhibition at seimens fair.. was (lari) earlier than others.. haha.. @ 4pm already arrived at the gym.. hihiks.. bersemangat!!
but at seimens fair.. tertaksub with ogawa booth.. (which is exactly beside our booth).. terbeli this massaging (refer pic) tool.. deng!! it was due to the effectiveness of this tool to make me go to toilet after usage... haha.. terpedaya ok!! plus it has far-infrared technology!! slimming effect!! haha
story morry about far-infrared, the 4 step shape slimming belt is going to be arrived soon (please click HERE)!! only 10 left!! hurry people!! only rm 45 + rm 6 postage per piece.. (psst.. org lain jual rm 60-80 tau.. uhuks!!)
but at seimens fair.. tertaksub with ogawa booth.. (which is exactly beside our booth).. terbeli this massaging (refer pic) tool.. deng!! it was due to the effectiveness of this tool to make me go to toilet after usage... haha.. terpedaya ok!! plus it has far-infrared technology!! slimming effect!! haha

Isnin, 26 Julai 2010
ban FaceBook!
i'm now FREE from facebook!!
i'm trying to live my life without this crappy thing that hancur lulurkan everything.. so bye bye sayonara adios amigos facebook..
note: counting.. 'days without facebook' challenge starts from now on!!
i'm trying to live my life without this crappy thing that hancur lulurkan everything.. so bye bye sayonara adios amigos facebook..
note: counting.. 'days without facebook' challenge starts from now on!!
Ahad, 25 Julai 2010
Sabtu, 24 Julai 2010
batok sgt terok untok ari ke 14.. skalik gus ngan memuntahkan sume mknan tgh arik.. ngoiii apekah sakit ini??
body fat!!
i've more than 32% of body fat.. haish.. obes olready!! some action taken needed!!
to reduce our body fat percentage, we require a calorie ristricted diet..mixed in with exercise to built muscle.. woweee jadik bo(b)dy-builder.. huks..
here some tips and instruction to reduce body fat..
1. dont choose/ focus on only 1 part of your body to lose yucky fatss..
2. eating fatty foods doesnt increase ur body fat percentage.. but consume excessive calories
3. inportant is: to diminish yucky fats in our body are reducing calories intake and burning calories with exercise
4. the BEST exercise: running, cycling, swimming but not sit-up or crunch..
5. musle tissue burn more yucky fat thus should include gooooodd strength training routine to build more muscle.. and burn even more calories!!
6. so? get off your lazy butt!! get moving and get start from now!!
Jumaat, 23 Julai 2010
big smile ;)
what a healthy lifestyle..
when gymba for 2 hours..
lost 380kcal only..
had multiple 30 seconds steam bath alternating with goin out of the steam rum for water.. haha.. cannot withstand the heat for too long.. haha.. manje!
52.5, 2.1, 1529, 38.7 (obes), 38.1 (tacukup), 73.3 (-0.5 wee)
when gymba for 2 hours..
lost 380kcal only..
had multiple 30 seconds steam bath alternating with goin out of the steam rum for water.. haha.. cannot withstand the heat for too long.. haha.. manje!
52.5, 2.1, 1529, 38.7 (obes), 38.1 (tacukup), 73.3 (-0.5 wee)
Khamis, 22 Julai 2010
weight-easy to gain, hard to lose by Maggie Vink
Weight is the exact opposite of a grade point average. GPAs drop lightning fast, but they're really difficult to bring back up. Weight, on the other hand, is quite easy to gain and not-so-easy to lose. Divine Caroline counts down four reasons why weight is so finicky:
It's also good to remember that, while the simple math is accurate, there are other factors that contribute to weight as well. But don't let the challenge get you down.
- Simple math. To maintain your weight, you need to burn as many calories as you take in. Consuming extra calories will result in weight gain. It's easy enough to exceed your calorie needs on a day-to-day basis, it's especially easy to do so when your routine is altered (like during a vacation).
- A pound is a pound is a pound. To gain a pound you need to consume 3,500 extra calories. Over the course of a special dinner out, an extra serving of dessert, and some extra large portion sizes you can reach that 3,500 calorie mark quite easily. To lose a pound, you need a deficit of 3,500 calories. Reducing the calories you eat and burning extra calories through exercise can give you the deficit you need -- but it takes commitment and effort on your part.
- Exercise is weight discriminating. While 3,500 extra calories will lead to a pound of weight gain no matter what size you are, it's easier to burn 3,500 calories when you weigh more. It may not seem fair, but a higher body weight leads to an increased resting metabolic rate, which helps burn more calories. That's why those last five to 10 pounds can seem particularly stubborn.
- Age contributes to weight gain. As we age, metabolism naturally slows. So it becomes easier to gain weight and a little harder to lose it.
It's also good to remember that, while the simple math is accurate, there are other factors that contribute to weight as well. But don't let the challenge get you down.
at last, i've bought a weighing scale
today is gaji day!! thus, i went to
to buy a digital weighing scale for myself.. i've been eying this scale for quite sometimes..
the retail price was rm 189 which i'm sure i can't afford it no matter what.. the salesgirl persuade me into registering
membership which incur rm 30 yearly fees to get member price at rm 79.. uh uh.. no way!!
i called my families and frens to try my luck.. mane tau kan kalo one of them may have
member card.. huhu.. turn out that nobody pick up their phone..
i went back to office and rush to my fren's desk for cosway card number.. went back to the store after opishour but found out that my fren's card only got 2 points.. they need 3!!! NGOI!
i smile childishly, poyoly, like adorable little kitty (as if) and asked the salesgirl to help by using her card id.. hehe!! great! it really works!! u all need to try sumtimes! it helps tho!!
TQ veryvery yummy muchas gracias to that kindhearted salesgirl!! great job!!
finally, the scale is set and ready to be use in our 3rd room.. yippiee...
current body analysis:
52.3, 2.1, 1533, 39.3 (over), 28.0 (terkurang), 73.8..
last time @ senawang 75?? for real??
the retail price was rm 189 which i'm sure i can't afford it no matter what.. the salesgirl persuade me into registering
i called my families and frens to try my luck.. mane tau kan kalo one of them may have
i went back to office and rush to my fren's desk for cosway card number.. went back to the store after opishour but found out that my fren's card only got 2 points.. they need 3!!! NGOI!
i smile childishly, poyoly, like adorable little kitty (as if) and asked the salesgirl to help by using her card id.. hehe!! great! it really works!! u all need to try sumtimes! it helps tho!!
TQ veryvery yummy muchas gracias to that kindhearted salesgirl!! great job!!
finally, the scale is set and ready to be use in our 3rd room.. yippiee...
current body analysis:
52.3, 2.1, 1533, 39.3 (over), 28.0 (terkurang), 73.8..
last time @ senawang 75?? for real??
Rabu, 21 Julai 2010
How to order
To make a purchase, simply email at together with ur details:
Contact no:
Payment method: AmBank or CIMB
Shipment method: Pos Laju (RM6 W/M , RM8 E/M) or COD: Putrajaya, Kajang, Bangi only
Contact no:
Payment method: AmBank or CIMB
Shipment method: Pos Laju (RM6 W/M , RM8 E/M) or COD: Putrajaya, Kajang, Bangi only
Selasa, 20 Julai 2010
sakit tekak dan batok skaligus..
atoi.. dah seminggu tekak bengkak bile petang smp ke mlm.. bangun pagi ok balik pastu jadik balik ble petang ke mlm.. tak larat tol.. malam aa nak buat bnyk mende :D.. batok pula dikala tekak sakit.. cam luka2 dah tekak ni.. ubat dr tak mujarab ok..
maka smlm tak lrt sgt tetido suda dr kol 8 sengah.. tak dan nak kongsi nape sarapan penting...
hurm.. next entry lah yo..
maka smlm tak lrt sgt tetido suda dr kol 8 sengah.. tak dan nak kongsi nape sarapan penting...
hurm.. next entry lah yo..
Ahad, 18 Julai 2010
4 step slimming belt
camne nak kurus neh??
akak abg..
most of us think that we need to do sumthin extreme to lose weight.. and everyone wanna achieve their target ASAP..actually the key is burn the calories that u consumed.. but then, we've lived in this world for more than 20 years.. and no burning happened so far.. thus, extra work needed..
SO.. we need to burn MORE calories than we consume.. :) but do it secara BERPADA2
akak/abg who are never done anything physical will feel tired if the 1st time they straight jump into running milesss a day or do high energy exercise.. this will melemahkan semangat akak abg or the worst; will put you off trying to lose weight.. the art of getting started with exercise is do it step by step.. slowly.. comfortably.. and consistently..
SO.. lets get started before its tooooo late!!
cheapest exercise: no money needed!!cth: jogs @ taman2 segar nyaman
most of us think that we need to do sumthin extreme to lose weight.. and everyone wanna achieve their target ASAP..actually the key is burn the calories that u consumed.. but then, we've lived in this world for more than 20 years.. and no burning happened so far.. thus, extra work needed..
SO.. we need to burn MORE calories than we consume.. :) but do it secara BERPADA2
akak/abg who are never done anything physical will feel tired if the 1st time they straight jump into running milesss a day or do high energy exercise.. this will melemahkan semangat akak abg or the worst; will put you off trying to lose weight.. the art of getting started with exercise is do it step by step.. slowly.. comfortably.. and consistently..
SO.. lets get started before its tooooo late!!
cheapest exercise: no money needed!!cth: jogs @ taman2 segar nyaman
Sabtu, 17 Julai 2010
best seller!!
Dr Johnson Slimming Cream
Best product eva..
Burn fat.. stay warm2 for 6 hours akak, abang.. no need to tahan2 food intake (caution: do not eat more than wat u need).. for those who always cergas2, run2, jog2 .. more effective.. quickly can see the difference

Best product eva..
Burn fat.. stay warm2 for 6 hours akak, abang.. no need to tahan2 food intake (caution: do not eat more than wat u need).. for those who always cergas2, run2, jog2 .. more effective.. quickly can see the difference
RM 36.00
no postal charges
purchase more than a bottle get discount.. hurry!!!
purchase more than a bottle get discount.. hurry!!!
nape berat bdn tu penting??
abg akak skalian..
dengan pekembangan ekonomi, pembangunan, kem
ajuan itu ini.. bentuk fizikal manusia pon ikot kembang same, lebih maju kedepan.. pekare ni mmg amat membimbangkan sume org.. kadar obesiti yg tinggi, akan meningkatkan risiko rakyat kite ni (temasok abg ngan akak skalik au) dapat macam2 penyakit..
1. darah tinggi
2. diebetes
3. sakit jantong
4. angin ahmar
5. kanser
6. batu karang
7. gaot
8. mandol
9. dsbg.. u name it!
org2 yg gemoss... opsss.. mcm saye ni.. slalu rase murung.. rendah diri sbb bdn tak witt wiitttt.. :( .. nak try bju kat butique2 pon slalu tak moat.. lagik2 a kat online shop slalu nye free size.. sian ktrg..
nek tangga pon mengah masalah nye.. haishh..
tapi takpe.. mari kita same2 berusaha kakak abg.. mariiiii!!!!
1stly!! setkan target YANG REALISTIC! cth: trn 1 kg setial bulan ;O
pastu carik sumber inspirasi.. cth: carik 1 role model yg kite nak jdk mcm die.. :D

ok semoga bejaye!!
dengan pekembangan ekonomi, pembangunan, kem
ajuan itu ini.. bentuk fizikal manusia pon ikot kembang same, lebih maju kedepan.. pekare ni mmg amat membimbangkan sume org.. kadar obesiti yg tinggi, akan meningkatkan risiko rakyat kite ni (temasok abg ngan akak skalik au) dapat macam2 penyakit..
1. darah tinggi
2. diebetes
3. sakit jantong
4. angin ahmar
5. kanser
6. batu karang
7. gaot
8. mandol
9. dsbg.. u name it!
org2 yg gemoss... opsss.. mcm saye ni.. slalu rase murung.. rendah diri sbb bdn tak witt wiitttt.. :( .. nak try bju kat butique2 pon slalu tak moat.. lagik2 a kat online shop slalu nye free size.. sian ktrg..
nek tangga pon mengah masalah nye.. haishh..
tapi takpe.. mari kita same2 berusaha kakak abg.. mariiiii!!!!
1stly!! setkan target YANG REALISTIC! cth: trn 1 kg setial bulan ;O

ok semoga bejaye!!
knape berat badan tu penting??
Dengan pembandaran , pembangunan ekonomi dan gaya hidup dan diet yang semakin berubah, berat badan yang berlebihan dan obesiti (kegemukan) semakin meningkat di negara kite.
mengakibatkan peningkatan kadar penyakit-penyakit yang berkaitan dengan berat badan berlebihan, termasuk diabetes (kencing manis) jenis 2, penyakit jantung, angin amar dan tekanan darah tinggi.
Obesiti dan berat badan berlebihan juga meningkatkan risiko kejadian sesetengah kanser, batu karang, penyakit gout, osteoartritis, kemandulan dan lain-lain penyakit.
Individu yang berlebihan berat badan dan obes juga mempunyai harga diri yang rendah dan selalu berasa muram disebabkan oleh imej badan yang tidak menarik.
Pendek kata, keadaan berat badan berlebihan mengurangkan kualiti dan keriangan hidup.
Nasihat am tidak dapat mengganti ulasan kesihatan dan rawatan secara peribadi, dan sesiapa yang menghidapi penyakit serius dinasihat untuk berjumpa ahli perubatan yang bertauliah.
mengakibatkan peningkatan kadar penyakit-penyakit yang berkaitan dengan berat badan berlebihan, termasuk diabetes (kencing manis) jenis 2, penyakit jantung, angin amar dan tekanan darah tinggi.
Obesiti dan berat badan berlebihan juga meningkatkan risiko kejadian sesetengah kanser, batu karang, penyakit gout, osteoartritis, kemandulan dan lain-lain penyakit.
Individu yang berlebihan berat badan dan obes juga mempunyai harga diri yang rendah dan selalu berasa muram disebabkan oleh imej badan yang tidak menarik.
Pendek kata, keadaan berat badan berlebihan mengurangkan kualiti dan keriangan hidup.
Nasihat am tidak dapat mengganti ulasan kesihatan dan rawatan secara peribadi, dan sesiapa yang menghidapi penyakit serius dinasihat untuk berjumpa ahli perubatan yang bertauliah.
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