Sabtu, 17 Julai 2010

best seller!!

Dr Johnson Slimming Cream

Best product eva..

Burn fat.. stay warm2 for 6 hours akak, abang.. no need to tahan2 food intake (caution: do not eat more than wat u need).. for those who always cergas2, run2, jog2 .. more effective.. quickly can see the difference

RM 36.00
no postal charges

purchase more than a bottle get discount.. hurry!!!

2 ulasan:

  1. ooo ni la dr johnson ko promote tu.. bagus ker..? kalu terbukti berkesan leh aa beli hehehe

  2. haha aku slalu tak pat sedar kalo ade owang komen.. camne nak keep track eh? hehe.. tatau aaa bekesan ke tak.. haha opss.. aku stop the whole raya month.. ni baru nak get back to shape again :p POYO! tapi ramai yg dah bejaye.. sila g kat FB zura zuki utk bukti.. :D


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