i was requested by the company to give a talk on workplace safety for 3 hours with 30 minutes break in the middle.. but i didnt manage to do as requested..
instead, i delivered a very formal, damn bored speech for only one hour wif 30 minutes break within the speech.. i did talk about heavy vehicle safety and risk of accident on road but not work place.. i managed to add in some motorcycle safety issues.. in my presentation there were like 7 videos which takes about 20 minutes of the whole presentation.. however i was really2 exhausted rite after i finished my not so 1 hour speech.. hahaha... it just less than 1 hour but.. hah sumpah penat!!
the company didnt provide mineral water.. just a jar of hot Nescafe.. i was thinking of running to my car for my water bottle.. ahhh so thirsty and my tekak so kering n my voice became kasar2.. haha..
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pergh lot... ko bg ceramah kaki sampai silang2 mcm model...siap pki heels lg :P
BalasPadamhaha.. macik2 govermen.. jhajajaja