weken g melawat anak2 sedara baru.. 2 org tau.. selang seminggu jek..
ni mak mak derang sblm anaknye lahir kedunia.. picture was taken a few weeks before derang sakit2.. kat workstation kat MIROS..
pic malas rotate.. haha.. yg baju biru tu wahid.. yg coklat cik ty
so korunk blh teka mane satu anak mane satu kan.. haha..
yg kat atas ni.. name die afifah izzati binti bull (aku lupa name penuh bull.. haha)
auntie fara call her pipah! welcome to the world pipah sayang.. she was born on 1st Muharam 1343.. untung aa pipah bedday kompom satu mesia sambut.. hurm..

yg ni pulak.. name die adelia binti mohd adilin.. tapi auntie fara call her adele.. auntie nak dengo adele nyanyi lagu sumone like u!!! tapi time auntie dtg die tak kuo suare pon.. adele born on 3rd dec 2011.. auntie lupa amek gambo la ritu.. uhu rugi..
sgt kagum ngan relationship these 2 new mummy.. they were both when to USM kelate studied on Forensic science.. had become besties since then.. rite after graduated they were both entered MIROS together2.. kawen pon cam dekat2 jugak.. eh tak tak jarak2 jugak tapik dengan lajunye cikty catch up wahid tok ngandung same2.. haha.. then only a week gap derang lahirkan anak yg cute2 yg kat atas nih.. wat a miracle..
i wish both of u will always in a very pink health to bring up ur kid, respectively (haha).. congratulation and have a blastfull mummy journey k korunk..
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