Selasa, 3 Julai 2012

Baking Brownies Marble Cheese Cake..

dah lame sgt tak wat kek..last time wat muffin, mmg tak jadik ah.. muffin yg selame ni sedap gilos kalo aku wat, pas pregnant jek tros tajadik.. haha penangan anak lelaki kot.. haha berangan!

makanya.. time buat adunan kek tadik.. ikot sedap aku jek kan masokkan sume bahan2.. pukol sikit2 jek pastu termasokkan tepung awal.. bile dah masok tepung tak boleh la nak pukul gula, telo sume tu smp sebati.. hampeh betol.. tapik walobagaimana skalik pon aku tetap teroskan jugak usaha murni.. 

it turns out ok la jugak.. dah sah sah silap so asalkan boleh telan jek dah ok la tu kan.. hoho.. 

Aku tak ingat dapat resepi ni dr blog mane.. tapi org tu adalah cikgu buat kek..dan belajo kat USM Kelantan.. so kepada pemilik resepi..sila halalkan.. Cik ty, sila bg link kat komen kalo ko bace entry ni k..

EDIT: SOURCE dari kookiesandmore

Brownie batter
1 stick (1/2 cup or 4 ounces) unsalted butter, cut into pieces (115g)
3 ounces (86g) unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2/3 cup all-purpose/superfine flour

Cheesecake batter
8 ounces (227g) cream cheese, well softened
1/3 cup sugar
1 large egg yolk
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Make brownie batter:
 Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 180°C.
 Butter an 8-inch square baking pan.
 Double-boil butter and chocolate just until melted.
 Remove from heat and whisk in sugar, eggs, vanilla, and a pinch of salt until well combined.
 Whisk in flour until just combined and spread in baking pan.

Make cheesecake batter:
      Whisk together cheesecake batter ingredients in a small bowl until smooth.
      Dollop over brownie batter, then swirl in with a knife or spatula.
      Taburkan choc chips

Bake brownies:
Bake until edges are slightly puffed and centre is just set, about 35 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Ni cara Dollop.. Image Source: dr blog yg tatau tu.. adoi rase besalah sgt.. tapi nnt tatau plak dallop tu ape kan..
Ni plak cara Swirl.. sebelum masok oven camni lah die patutnye jadik..

4 ulasan:

  1. uih lot... mcm sedap je.. nk siket :P

  2. Yanti.. meh dtg umah mlm ni.. utk pengetahuan.. tu gambo dr belog yg aku kopi pes setahun lepas.. kek yg aku bwat tak amek gambo sbb menyedihkan.. hahahah

  3. alamak lot..baru harini aku check comment ko.. kan dah melepas free cake utk aku.. len kali SMS or call la yek :D

  4. Hoho..baik.. Aku mcm xpuas ati ngan hasil taNgan aku..mcm nk wat blik..entah ble la rajin nye tu


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