Click this link ---> CHICKEN FOLDOVER
then PRINT! this Coupon ---> BUY 1 FREE 1 McD Chicken Foldover
start ur car engine and go to the nearest McD near you..
dont forget to bring along as minimum as RM 9.10
go to the counter, show the coupon and redeem ur FREE Chicken Foldover..
eyay!! i've printed mine.. insyaAllah berbuka puasa makan FREE today..
don't miss this out sbb offer dr McD ni till 25th July jek!!

dah pergi dah.. dah makan dah.. ingat nak ulang lagi... Insyaallah....
BalasPadamEntri terkini :- puasa semakin menghampiri
meh belanje org puasa meh.. dpt pahala bnykkkk.. :p