Green Smoothie aku yg tak smooth sgt.. blend guna baby food processor Avent tu jek.. food processor tu guna dalam 4 bln jek kot.. dr Naufal start makan time umo 5 bln smp la ke 10 bln camtu.. dah ade gigi sikit jek dah belagak takmo makan bubur dan puree.. nak nasik aje.. aku pon berbahagia lah dah tayah sediakan food pagi2.. hahaks..
skang kan tgh trending bwat smoothie ni kan.. Kek Nis pon minum smoothie nak sehat.. aku pon dah ter follow IG simplegreensmoothie.. so terjebak la cam biase..
Ok for the first time.. aku bwat smoothie SPINACH + AVOCADO + APPLE.. org guna apple aku guna GREEN APPLE.. mmg sgt GREENNNN ok..

skang kan tgh trending bwat smoothie ni kan.. Kek Nis pon minum smoothie nak sehat.. aku pon dah ter follow IG simplegreensmoothie.. so terjebak la cam biase..
Ok for the first time.. aku bwat smoothie SPINACH + AVOCADO + APPLE.. org guna apple aku guna GREEN APPLE.. mmg sgt GREENNNN ok..

Hasil die.. tak smooth.. tapi jadik la for my BREAKFAST SEHAT!.. aku tade mason jar sobs
pastu bile dah siap, sip sikit.. not bad la boleh di telan.. pastu nak lagik sehat, aku letak la a pinch of HABBATUS SAUDA' dan sesudu kecil MADU APPLE..
teros tak sedap hokkey.. mmg mcm makan ubat.. tapi sbb avocado MAHAL sebijik RM 5.50 .. dan habbatus sauda' banyak hasiat.. aku akan telan jugak.. banyak lagik nak habiskan tu..
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. bersabda dalam Haditsnya yang dikutip dari kitab Ash Shahihain “‘Gunakanlah Habbatus Sauda’ kerana di dalamnya terdapat sejenis ubat dari segala jenis macam penyakit kecuali As Sam (maut)” (HR.Bukhari, Muslim)
semoga minuman ini memberi kesan positif kepada kesihatan mental dan fizikal aku..
Dia kata die wat camni (lebih kurang a mcm ape yg aku bwat):
Apple, Avocado and Spinach
The predominant flavour in this smoothie is apple, but while its texture is soft and creamy, it doesn’t contain any dairy. It’s the avocado that makes the drink pale and smooth. Avocadoes are full of Vitamin E and healthy fats which help keep your skin in tip-top condition.
The predominant flavour in this smoothie is apple, but while its texture is soft and creamy, it doesn’t contain any dairy. It’s the avocado that makes the drink pale and smooth. Avocadoes are full of Vitamin E and healthy fats which help keep your skin in tip-top condition.
one-quarter of an avocado, peeled and the stone removed (aku guna half)
200ml fresh apple juice, chilled (aku guna fresh green apple)
small handful washed baby spinach leaves (5-6 leaves) (aku guna satu plastik beli kat cold storage)
200ml fresh apple juice, chilled (aku guna fresh green apple)
small handful washed baby spinach leaves (5-6 leaves) (aku guna satu plastik beli kat cold storage)
Kaya lot bli avocado mhl2.. aku slalu borong avocado bila giant sale harga 2-2.50..kalau harga std 5.00 gudbye kiss je la..
BalasPadambeli impromptu.. maksodnye.. pembelian tak disengajakan.. aku saje je g jalan2 kat jaya grocer ngan naufal smlm sbb ijad balik lmbt.. pastu tetibe ter-nakbuatsmoothie-lah.. hahhaha